Friday, August 6, 2010

Green Smoothie

Well I figured since this is the first recipe I'm posting it might as well be the thing I drink every single morning. The famous Green Smoothie! It is the staple of any raw and/or vegan diet.
The Green Smoothie is very personal. You just throw in any greens, a little fruit, water, protein if you want it, whatever! Here is a typical one for me:

I fill about half the VitaMix with spinach, kale, turnip greens, romaine, whatever I have on hand (but almost always spinach, my favorite)
One banana
Little frozen fruit, like mixed berries, blueberries, strawberries, pineapple
Mint (sometimes)
Maca Powder (more on that later)
Blue green Algae (more on that later)
2 scoops Mediclear protein powder (more on that later, too)
Blend and drink!

This usually lasts me several hours. Sometimes I skip the green smoothie on Sundays because my Sunday morning is usually very busy and I'm always running late anyway. I always miss it. Every now and then I will only drink green juice or green smoothies. The goal is to have mostly greens and only about 20-30% fruit. The banana makes it creamy and I love frozen fruit because I like my smoothie very cold, and frozen fruit makes it tasty and cold.
For beginners I would suggest a very popular Green Smoothie:

1 banana
Frozen or fresh pineapple
Mediclear or other protein powder
Ice (if you didn't use frozen pineapple)

I would also highly suggest a VitaMix or other high speed blender. That way you can make a truly smooth, delicious Green Smoothie; otherwise you get a chunky smoothie. Yuck.

I love green smoothies because I can fit a lot of stuff in it. I have a hard time eating salads, and this way I don't have to. Everything that goes into a salad I love, but for some reason it's that lettuce that bothers me! Strange I know. Green smoothies are so important, especially first thing in the morning. The greens are already pulverized so we can process the deliciousness hidden inside the greens. You still get the fiber, it's just a little easier to get through your body, and you really do get more out of them. Also amazing are juices. Juices have all the enzymes, vitamins, minerals, but no fiber that your body spends energy breaking down. But one thing at a time!

Let me know if you guys have any questions or comments about Green Smoothies, and if you've tried making one.

All that yummy goodness about to be vitamixed!

The finished product. So, so good! This took me a couple hours to drink today.

Always in my favorite mason jar.


  1. That looks so yummy! I think I might have to incorporate it... I have been eating 2 romaine hearts ( or other salad heads) a day in 2 big salads... it does get a little old when I'm in a hurry, or just sick of eating like rabbit. Smoothies would be a good alternative, thanks for sharing!

  2. great blog! Can't wait to read more.. I have never heard of this "raw" eating thing.. but it sounds healthy.. and I'm willing to try this smoothie :) Though, in the picture.. I had to read the ingredients.. because the banana looked like a piece of fish.. haha.. but yes, Banana's would taste much better in a drink :)

  3. Haha! No, no fish Emily! I myself am just getting into this whole thing, and it's a bit overwhelming unless you can surround yourself with other people who are going through it or have gone through it. Green Smoothies are the perfect place to start, even if you don't change anything else in your diet. Just replace your morning bagel or cereal with a big green smoothie and see how much better you feel!

  4. I'm used to doing smoothies in the morning, but I had never thought of throwing in the green stuff. You inspired me to make my first one. I did spinach, mint, frozen fruit, banana, avocado, and some soy milk. It's really.... fluffy feeling... does that make sense? Hah... just not as heavy as my usual smoothie.
    Also, just realized I didn't have your number because I was going to txt you. Mine is (740) 236-2879 - i'd love to catch up!

  5. I almost did a green one.. I am so scared.. haha..
    I gave you a shout out on my blog under my Tuesday Treasures :)

  6. Janet, that sounds yummy! Except the soy milk. Soy is terrible. I would put almond milk in it instead. How was the avocado? I've never done that before. I bet it was fluffy and creamy..mmm.

    Thanks emily! I'll check your blog out. And you don't have to be afraid of the greens! haha. Just try the "beginner" smoothie and put as much fruit in it as you need to start.
