Friday, August 6, 2010

Why Raw??

Well here it is my friends! My very own raw food blog. I've been so excited to share my pictures of my raw food experiments with you on Facebook, and now by popular demand I am writing this blog, in which I will give you the recipes for all those yummy treats!
Many people have asked me, why raw? Am I now crazy? Am I vegan? Well, yes, I am a little crazy, and no I'm not vegan. I'm basically "raw till dinner." That means all day long I eat or drink only raw stuff (like my awesome Green Smoothies and whatnot), and at dinner I may have cooked food. I do still eat eggs every now and then, and I enjoy sprouted grain breads like Ezekiel 4:9. Quinoa is a perfect protein and goes well in stews and with lightly sauteed veggies over it (like a stir fry, only the quinoa is the rice replacement).
So, why raw? Well, lots of reasons I suppose. Health, weight loss, curiosity. I became very interested in raw food several months ago when I met a wonderful Christian lady who is raw vegan. She became raw after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Chemo and radiation did not work. So, with the help of God she became 80-100% very quickly. She is completely healed from cancer; she's in her 40's, has two kids, and looks amazing! Through her I tried many delicious raw treats. Also piquing my interest in raw is a naturopathic doctor I work with, who is vegan and about 80-90% raw. We often trade recipes and always have lots of food to eat at the clinic!
I have no qualms against eating animals. I don't think it's mean, I do believe they are an option God gave to us. However, I don't like the way I feel after I eat it. Usually sluggish and heavy and bloated. When I eat raw I feel alive and vibrant (most of the time!). I like that I'm getting a ton of fruit and veggies into my diet, and no dairy or meat whatsoever. Later on I will address questions like where do I get protein and calcium. This post is already too long. I'll close by saying God knew exactly what our bodies would need, as he created them. As I delve deeper into raw I'm so happy and amazed at what perfection can be found in nature without eating meat and dairy or cooked food!!


  1. STACY! I love this!
    I know we've been distanced since we are LITERALLY on complete opposites of the USA.
    So I don't know if you know that I turned lactose intolerant in my late teens. For awhile I turned to the pills that helped me digest, but I still felt unhealthy and I just didn't feel good. At the beginning of this year I just was at my wits end of feeling horrible all the time, so I began researching women's health. So i'm slowly but surely making strides in my life to be healthier... what I eat being a huge thing.
    I'm excited to see more on your blog!

  2. No Janet I did not know that. I hope you can find a lot of good stuff on here. I have tons of recipes!! Some you do need a dehydrator and vitamix, but some you don't. Let me know if you have any questions, I work for an ND who is passionate about health.
